- OS242 - Official site for Operating Systems course (OS242). Contains links to lecture materials, exam questions, and laboratory materials.
- RegEx Cheatsheet - A quick reference for regular expressions, including symbols, ranges, grouping, and assertions.
- Vi Cheat Sheet - This cheat sheet is intended to be a quick reminder for the main concepts involved in using the command line program Vim (or vi).
- WinSCP - WinSCP enables secure data transfer between two computers using SSH, SFTP, and SCP protocols.
- Tar Cheat Sheet - This guide provides a comprehensive cheat sheet for the tar command, covering commonly used options and examples.
- xz in Linux - Learn how to use xz, a compression format that creates smaller archives than gzip, in Linux command line.
- Unix Tutorial - Collections of Linux interview questions to enhance your understanding of this operating system.
- Debian Users’ Manuals - This manual describes the Debian GNU/Linux operating system and within the Debian project.
- LFS Trac Wiki - Step-by-step instructions for building your own customized Linux system entirely from source.